<a href="mailto:philip@ccb-academy.com">philip@ccb-academy.com</a>

Philip, Administration Manager

Philip believes in the importance of learning self-defense. He personally has experienced racism, school bullies, road rage and near-abduction at the age of 10. Prior to Krav Maga, Philip was a Wing Chun practitioner, which opened his initial understanding of self-defense. Raising up the ranks at Contact Combat Brunei, he became Civilian and Law Enforcement instructor under the tutelage of Global Instructor Expert Level 3 Eduardo De Jesus. Philp is also an accredited instructor with the Duke of Edinburgh International Award program. Complementing his teaching role, he has attended Train the Trainers program at the SEAMEO VOCTECH Regional Centre, First Aid course and Fire Warden course. Today, he wants to teach and share his knowledge of self-defense. Out of passion, he believes everyone – men, women, children – should be able to defend themselves and their loved ones from harm – “So that one may walk in peace”.


  • philip@ccb-academy.com